How to find gold mines?

Gold mines deposits can be produced in almost any rock type and strata of any age, but the Cambrian greenstone belt is the most important in the past. The types of gold mineralization are greenstone type (including basic and ultrabasic rocks), volcanic type, porphyry type (including alkaline rocks, granite), turbidite type, black rock series type, glutenite type, River sediment type; according to the genetic type, there are quartz vein type, sulfide vein type, fine disseminated type, tectonic altered rock type, iron manganese cap type, red clay type, etc.

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金矿2 - How to find gold mines?

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1. First mining gold, we should pay attention to silicified zone, quartz vein and secondary quartzite. This is because gold mineralization is closely related to silicification. It can be said that gold cannot be formed without silicon. Of course, not all siliceous bodies produce gold, but most of the siliceous bodies containing gold are smoke gray and have good watercolor. This is because the gold-bearing siliceous bodies contain more or less sulfide. Because the sulfide is very fine, the quartz is smoke gray. In particular, the lamellar quartz vein (which can contain multiple black bands, such as the mixture of carbonaceous and fine-grained sulfide) has good gold content. Even for the bright gold quartz vein with less sulfide, there are often sulfides such as stibnite, bismuth pyroxene, wheel ore, arsenopyrite, caviar lead-zinc ore and so on.

2. Pay more attention to fault structural zones, especially ductile shear zones. All gold mineralization is related to faults, so it can be said that there is no structure and no gold formation. In particular, we should pay attention to ultramylonite, mylonite, micro granulated sugar like quartzite, and talc magnesite schist, which are often the location of gold-rich ore bodies. The gold content of giant to large fault zones is often poor, while the secondary fault zones on the side are often the occurrence sites of gold ore bodies.

3. Third, we should pay attention to the gold content of gossan, maroon, maroon residual diluvium, and carbonate solution trench deposit. They can not only become gossan type and laterite type gold mines deposits but also indicate the search for primary gold deposits.

4. Fourth, we should pay attention to gold prospecting in antimony, mercury and arsenic (especially realgar and orpiment) areas. As for antimony, it can coexist with gold to form an antimony gold deposit; It can also be separated, but it is not far away, so it is said that it is “not in it, not away from its trace”. Gold can also be found in the periphery of some lead-zinc deposits, such as the periphery of Qingchengzi lead-zinc deposit; The lower part of the copper deposit. The alteration zone of copper-nickel sulfide deposit is also a good place to find gold.

5. In addition to silicification, the alteration related to gold mineralization also includes low-temperature alteration assemblages such as iron dolomitization, iron calcitization, chromium muscovitization, pyrite sericitization, ice feldspar, fine-grained pyritization, arsenic, antimony, mercury, bismuth and thallium mineralization.

6. Pay attention to the fault fracture zones and structural alteration zones in basic rocks, ultrabasic rocks, lamprophyres, alkaline rocks, meta alkaline granitoid, carbonaceous siliceous argillaceous rocks and impure carbonate rocks.

7. At present, the main gold prospecting method is to carry out the work of river heavy sand, gully system secondary halo and various geochemical prospecting methods.

8. According to the indication elements for gold, such as mercury, antimony, bismuth, arsenic, thallium, selenium, lead, zinc, copper and silver.

9. Use geophysical exploration methods to find out the fault structure and sulfide distribution rules to indirectly search for gold deposits.

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