separator magnetic

Besides separator magnetic, how else can iron ore be selected?

The iron and steel industry has grown rapidly with the sustained and rapid development of the global economy. The demand for iron ore from domestic and foreign iron and steel enterprises has increased rapidly, which has further stimulated the development of the global iron ore beneficiation industry. As one of the leading enterprises in the domestic mining machinery industry, Dasen mining is committed to the research and development of iron ore beneficiation process, technology and iron ore beneficiation equipment with more than 10 years of experience, according to the separator magnetic of iron ore.

单盘磁选机 - Besides separator magnetic, how else can iron ore be selected?

Iron ores are found in nature in a variety of forms. In addition to magnetite, which has high permeability and is well suited for magnetic separation, other ores such as hematite, specularite, and limonite are well suited for jigging.

Due to their low permeability, these iron ores require strong magnetic separators. Strong separator magnetic require a much greater investment than jigs, and their beneficiation effect is less than that of jigs. Thus, more and more iron ore beneficiation companies choose jigs as their beneficiation equipment for these weak magnetic iron ores.


Jigging machines are gravity separation types of equipment that use specific gravity differences to separate materials. It has a wide range of applications. It can be used to separate barite, fluorite, diamond, garnet, and other non-metallic minerals, as well as hematite, specularite, manganese ore, lead-zinc ore, tin ore, gold ore and other metal minerals. It also has a very good effect on recovering metals from waste residues such as stainless steel slag, calcium carbide slag, waste incineration slag, silicon manganese slag and chromium iron slag.


There are many types of jigs, with a feeding particle size of 0-50mm, and the processing capacity can meet the needs of different production capacities.

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