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Gravitational separation, how is tungsten sand selected?

Tungsten sand ore: what is it? Tungsten ore is a precious rare metal, known as the “tooth of industry”. Tungsten minerals include wolframite and scheelite. Scheelite and wolframite coexist. Tungsten sand ore refers to ore containing tungsten sand, of which tungsten sand refers to tungsten-containing materials that can be used in industry. %-45%, and the […]

Raw tungsten ore is extracted and processed in what way?

Raw tungsten ore is a widely distributed element. It is almost common in all kinds of rocks, but the content is low. An ore deposit can only be formed and mined through relevant geological processes. The world’s tungsten resources are mainly concentrated in the Alps, Himalayas, and the circum Pacific Geological belt. China is located […]

How does particle size affect a centrifugal concentrator?

Today I’d like to discuss how mineral particle size affects a centrifugal performance. Centrifugal separation particle size is determined by the degree of dissociation of useful minerals and gangue. Although a centrifugal concentrator beneficiation does not require complete monomer dissociation, it also requires partial dissociation of minerals and gangue to achieve a certain specific gravity […]

An investigation of the Nigerian granite project

GandunSarki granite project-type tantalum-niobium deposit Deposits of this granite project type are also typical granite pegmatites, the ores are albite granite pegmatites, and the useful components are tantalum and niobium. The ore body is in the NWW direction, it occurs steeply, the dip angle is about 80°, and it occurs as veins. The thickness of […]

Research Ikomu Granite Pegmatite lithium Ore Mine in Nigeria

In addition, the deposit is a typical granite pegmatite lithium ore mine. Albite granite pegmatite is the type of ore, and spodumene and lepidolite are the principal useful components. The direction of the ore body is indeterminate, with near EW and NE directions. The occurrence is steep, and the dip angle is about 70°. The […]

Investigation of tin-tantalum-niobium deposits mining in Nigeria

Barakindawa granite weathering crust type Tin, tantalum, niobium, deposit mining in Nigeria. Nigeria is located in the southwestern part of the African continent. The terrain is high in the north and low in the south. The tectonic structure is between the West African platform and the Congo platform. The Jos Plateau is located in central […]

Lead-zinc ore is separated by what method?

Lead-zinc ore can be separated using cyanide and non-cyanide methods. ①Cyanide method: The cyanide method uses less dosage, the process is relatively stable, it is easy to operate and control, and the process indicators are better, so there are still many factories using it. However, because cyanide is toxic and easily dissolves gold and silver, […]