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To achieve high income, how should manganese extraction process?

1. Manganese ore’s value ①90% to 95% of manganese ore is used in the iron and steel industry, mainly used as deoxidizer and desulfurizer in iron making, steel making and alloy manufacturing. ②10%~5% of manganese is used in other industrial fields, such as the chemical industry (manufacturing of various manganese salts), light industry (for batteries, […]

Can you tell me more about feeder types and how to choose them?

1. Type of vibrating mineral feeder ① Heavy plate feeder A heavy-duty plate feeder has the advantage of being able to adjust ore feeding capacity according to chain plate speed, and its impact resistance is greater than any other feeder, so it is durable, long-lasting, and can feed a large amount of ore. (Large mines […]

In what ways are the three mainstream jaw crushers different?

In the crushing and grinding industry, jaw crushers are among the most widely used machines. There are currently three main series of products on the market – ordinary jawbone (PE), European jawbone (PEW), and Jawbone all-in-one machine. Putting the motor inside the body is the biggest change of all-in-one machines. What are the advantages and […]

[Gravity Equipment]An improved spiral chute concentrator method

In the early days of beneficiation, mud and sand were washed, identified with naked eyes, and manually selected. The separation of mineral materials and mud and sand solely relied on manual identification. With the progress of the times and the development of scientific and technological levels, mineral processing technology has also been continuously improved, becoming […]

Why do impact crusher stop working, and how can they be improved?

The crushing chamber, rotor and adjusting device are integrated, applied and upgraded according to the analysis of a large number of impact breaking technologies and working conditions at home and abroad, making crushing performance and operation and maintenance performance of the equipment more advanced. I was recently asked by a user: “How can I improve […]

How about creating 100 billion dollars in profits for mining investors?

Improve the benefits of mining investors enterprises and reduce carbon emissions by optimizing the fineness of the grinding process. It is also the most important factor affecting ore dressing production indexes, and it accounts for a large portion of ore dressing costs since it represents the largest energy consumption in mines. The choice of grinding […]

In Myanmar, is tungsten-tin ore suitable for beneficiation?

Xi’an Dasen mining was commissioned by a tungsten tin mining company in Myanmar to test the beneficiation process and conduct research on samples of tungsten tin ore in Myanmar from July to August 2019. A detailed experimental study will be conducted on the mineral dressing process flow according to the symbiotic relationship and embedding characteristics […]

Improvements in copper molybdenum polymetallic flotation?

Copper molybdenum polymetallic ore and tailings flotation method improvement, copper concentrates with grades of 12% to 18% will undergo technical reforms. In the flotation process of copper molybdenum polymetallic ores, the sulfur content and floatability have a large impact on the whole flotation process and indexes. Mollybdenum mineral flotation uses kerosene as collector, and the […]

How do oxidized copper extraction process and oxidized lead-zinc ore get beneficiated?

Most people believe the oxidized copper extraction process and oxidized lead-zinc ore are relatively difficult to beneficiate, especially oxidized lead-zinc ore. The main recovery objects of copper oxide and lead-zinc oxide ores are carbonates, but why is there such a big difference between copper carbonate, lead carbonate, and zinc carbonate? Are there any methods to […]

how the “pseudo” multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher came to be?

Dasen mining received a customer’s response to the equipment problem, which stated that the multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher is difficult to use, has poor effects, and still fails frequently. We discovered that the “multi cylinder” cone break that the customer used was to replace the external spring with a hydraulic cylinder, which caused a series […]