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DASEN MINING’s Barite ore Flotation Experiments and Results

Barite is a white or colorless mineral composed of barium sulfate (BaSO4) and is the main source of elemental barium. DASEN MINING  received a 40kg sample of barite ore from a client in Morocco, with a specific request: to upgrade the barite to a purity level where BaSO4 exceeds 90% and SiO2 is less than […]

Chemical Leaching Test for Gold Stripping of Electroplated Plate

Gold extraction chemical leaching from electroplated plates presents a unique challenge. It is often tightly bound to the base metal to effectively strip away the gold. Traditionally, gold extraction is time-consuming and costly and may not yield the desired purity. Dasen Mining’s innovation comes into play. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our process, we conducted […]

Customers From Nigeria Visited the Gold Cyaniding Leaching Plant

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a valued customer from Nigeria. Their primary objective was to witness firsthand our ongoing Gold Cyaniding Leaching Plant construction project. Prior to this visit, we had engaged in comprehensive discussions with the customer regarding their mineral composition and successfully conducted a series of cyanidation leaching experiments. Furthermore, […]

Ilmenite, Moanzite, Zircon processing in Nigeria

These pictures are from one customer from Nigeria. In this material, it contains iron, ilmenite, monazite, niobium, and zircon. This material is the customer buying from others. Content: the ilmenite content in this material is 30-40% His purpose: Get the high-grade TiO2 and very low Fe as the priority, then extract other minerals— zircon, monazite, […]

Gold, Tin, Zircon Processing in Nigeria: Meet Dasen at the Exhibition

In November 2024, the Dasen team is set to make a significant trip to Nigeria. Dasen Company has big plans for this visit – we’ll be attending an exhibition and meeting with customers to talk about mineral importing and beneficiation plants for gold, tin, zircon, monazite, tantalum, and more. As our business in Nigeria continues […]

Polish Gold Ore Treatment Challenges and Solutions

In the global mining industry, the treatment of gold ore has always been a challenging topic. Especially when the ore contains high concentrations of arsenic (As), traditional leaching methods are often difficult to work. Today, we will focus on a gold ore site in Poland to explore how to effectively treat this high-arsenic ore and […]

Gold Ore Cyanide Leaching Plant for Egyptian Client

In the heart of Mali, a remarkable transformation is taking place at a 50TPH rock gold processing plant. Since its official launch in 2017, this plant has been a beacon of success, drawing attention from miners worldwide. The site, rich in alluvial (70%) and quartz gold (30%) from the surface to 50 meters underground, transitions […]

Magnetic Separation of Ilmenite and Monazite from Nigerian Ore

These photos were taken at an ore site in Bauchi, Nigeria. The site is owned by a miner who aims to extract ilmenite, monazite, tin, zircon, and other minerals from the raw ore. In the picture below, you can see the raw ore sand, which has a high ilmenite content. For such ore, a magnetic […]