Learn about these 7 differences in jaw rock crusher!

As a widely used coarse breaking equipment, the jaw rock crusher has been around for more than a century. Jaw fractures on the market today differ in their structure, shape, design, and materials. It is mainly introduced from seven perspectives in this paper: crushing cavity, frame, discharge port adjustment, motor installation, and bearing. By analyzing your needs, you can buy satisfactory products.


1. Crushing chamber

In traditional crushing chambers, the fixed jaws have straight edges, moving jaws have beveled edges, and the new crushing chambers have symmetrical isosceles triangles. Under the condition of the same inlet size, the allowable feed particle size of this chamber crusher is 5% larger than that of the traditional crushing chamber. The relationship between the inlet size D of the traditional crushing chamber crusher and the maximum feed particle size f is f = 0.85d, “Symmetrical isosceles triangle” crusher f = 0.9d.

1 - Learn about these 7 differences in jaw rock crusher!

Including the “mesh angle” between the moving jaw and the fixed jaw of the jaw rock crusher, the fracture is a major factor in measuring the efficiency of the crusher. The smaller the included angle, the greater the crushing force, and the higher the crusher with the same inlet size. The advanced included angle is between 18 ° – 21 °, and the included angle of domestic traditional PE crusher is between 21 ° – 24 °, The crusher with small meshing angle bears large crushing force, so it has high requirements for the manufacturing and processing of body, shaft and bearing.


2. Rack

Jawbone frames come in a variety of structural forms, including welded frames, bolted frames, open frames, and box frames.

2 - Learn about these 7 differences in jaw rock crusher!

3. Ore outlet adjustment mechanism

Jaw rock crusher ore discharge outlet adjustment mechanisms include a variety of mechanisms, the two most common being “gasket” adjustment and “wedge block” adjustment. The “gasket” adjustment operation is convenient and reliable, easy to process and manufacture, and the “wedge block” operation is convenient, but the reliability is less than the “gasket” type. The elbow plate and ore discharge port adjustment mechanism have been replaced by a hydraulic cylinder in recent years. It has obvious advantages for mobile crushing stations.

3 - Learn about these 7 differences in jaw rock crusher!

4. Motor installation type

There are two ways to install the motor:

The motor is mounted on the crusher frame (integrated type), which runs on a triangular belt. The crusher is generally elastically connected with the foundation by rubber gasket;

The other option is to mount the motor on the foundation (independent type). The crusher must be connected to the foundation bolt at this time.

5 - Learn about these 7 differences in jaw rock crusher!

5. Type of bearing and bearing pedestal

Jaw crushers are mainly composed of bearings, which are of high value and high reliability. Once there is a problem, the maintenance cost is high and the maintenance time is long. Therefore, the design and manufacturing requirements of bearing and bearing seat related components are strict.

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6. Startup and control

In general, the main motor can be started directly, electronic soft starter and variable resistance.

Direct start is generally used for small motors with low power and a limited power grid capacity;

Variable resistance starting is suitable for winding motor. Due to the large blocking torque of the winding motor, it is more suitable for the working condition of crusher, so this starting method is more common;

7. Speed and stroke of crusher

The meshing angle, rotating speed and stroke of jaw fracture affect each other. The rotating speed is determined by the times of material crushing and the discharge speed through the crusher. It is not that the faster the speed is, the better. The faster the speed is. Before the crushed material falls and suffers extrusion crushing, the material cannot be discharged from the crusher. If the speed is too slow, the material will be directly discharged from the crusher without crushing; Stroke determines the size of crushing force. If the stroke is large, the crushing force will be large and the crushing effect will be good. The size of stroke is determined by the crushing hardness of rock; With the different heights of the crushing chamber of the crusher, the speed of the crusher changes accordingly.

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As crushing equipment technology advances, product upgrades occur more quickly. A user should investigate more and compare goods when purchasing equipment, understand the characteristics of different types of products and understand their relative advantages and disadvantages.

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