How to Classify White Quartz Sand Raw Materials for High-Purity Applications?

In recent years, the demand for white quartz sand has surged due to national policy trends and the rapid growth of the international photovoltaic chip industry. This increased demand has led to a rise in inquiries from quartz customers seeking to enter the Chinese market through our services at DasenMining. Given this context, it’s essential to understand some fundamental aspects of quartz and white quartz sand.

quartz sand near me - How to Classify White Quartz Sand Raw Materials for High-Purity Applications?

Classification of Quartz Stone Raw Materials
Quartz stone raw materials can be classified into several grades based on their purity and potential applications:

1.Grade A Ore (≥99.99% raw stone): This high-purity ore is used to produce top-tier high-purity white quartz sand with a silicon dioxide (SiO2) purity of ≥99.998% (4N8). It is primarily used in the inner layer of crucibles and in semiconductor applications.
2.Grade B Ore (≥99.9%-99.99% raw stone): This grade is suitable for manufacturing medium to high-end high-purity white quartz sand with a SiO2 purity of ≥99.995% (4N5). It finds applications in the middle and outer layers of crucibles, semiconductors, and battery cells.
3.Grade C Ore (≥99.9% raw stone): This ore is used to produce medium-end high-purity white quartz sand with a SiO2 purity of ≥99.99% (4N). It is commonly used in the outer layer of crucibles, electronic devices, and semiconductors.
4.Grade D Ore (≥99% raw stone): This lower-grade ore is used for low-end high-purity white quartz sand with a SiO2 purity of ≥99.9% (3N). It is primarily used in the production of ultra-white glass and photovoltaic glass.

Key Considerations for Raw Material Quality
When evaluating quartz raw materials, several factors are crucial:

Silicon Dioxide Content: SiO2 content should be as high as possible, ideally exceeding 99.9% or even 99.99%.
Impurities: The content of impurities such as K, Li, Na, Al, Cu, Mn, and Fe should be minimized, with a target of ≤0.04%. Lower alkali metal content is particularly desirable.
Visual Appearance: The absence of obvious yellow spots and yellow skin is important. The lower the Cu, Mn, and Fe content, the more transparent the raw material and the fewer yellow spots and yellow skin will be present.

crushed quartz sand - How to Classify White Quartz Sand Raw Materials for High-Purity Applications?

For those interested in our white quartz sand products or seeking to explore opportunities in the Chinese market, we welcome you to reach out to us. Thank you for your interest!

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